aerial view of cars driving along highway


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Photograph showing movement trails on a road in blue and red colors

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    Bridging the Data Gap: Commercial Freight Insights from Five Key U.S. Bridges

    Discover the instrumental role of freight data when developing key policy and transportation infrastructure decisions for five of America’s most critical…


    How to optimize commercial site selection using deep transportation analytics

    Commercial site selection is the process of using data to identify high-potential business locations. Learn how transportation analytics play a vital role.


    What is traffic data collection and how does Geotab ITS gather and aggregate traffic analytics?

    Traffic data collection is the process of gathering and presenting vehicle movement insights within a defined area. Read to learn how Geotab ITS does it.


    Building confidence in traffic data: The development of Expansion Factors

    Learn more about expansion factors with Geotab ITS and how they enable organizations to enhance their transportation networks.


    What is annual average daily traffic and why is it so important for understanding total regional travel?

    AADT is a measurement calculated by dividing a road’s yearly vehicle traffic total by 365. This quotient represents the road’s daily vehicle travel mean.



    Geotab ITS Announces Multi-Agency Statewide Contract in California, Delivering Actionable Insights for Transportation Networks

    Caltrans spearheads statewide utilization of Geotab ITS freight data for enhanced transportation planning, economic development and future funding…


    Solving the North American truck parking crisis with legislation and transportation insights

    Learn how federal and state agencies are using transportation data and analytics to rectify truck parking problems in North America.

    Aerial Shot of Truck on Freeway Onramp


    What is vehicle miles traveled data and why is it crucial for strong transportation planning efforts?

    Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) data explains the entirety of vehicle movement within a given region. Read to learn more about its various uses.


    Visualizing and measuring traffic flow from port terminals using commercial vehicle data

    Learn how we used commercial vehicle data to analyze commercial movement’s overall effect on regional traffic in Charleston, SC.