How to optimize commercial site selection using deep transportation analytics

    Commercial site selection is the process of using data to identify high-potential business locations. Learn how transportation analytics play a vital role.

    Building confidence in traffic data: The development of Expansion Factors

    Learn more about expansion factors with Geotab ITS and how they enable organizations to enhance their transportation networks.

    What is annual average daily traffic and why is it so important for understanding total regional travel?

    AADT is a measurement calculated by dividing a road’s yearly vehicle traffic total by 365. This quotient represents the road’s daily vehicle travel mean.

    Solving the North American truck parking crisis with legislation and transportation insights

    Learn how federal and state agencies are using transportation data and analytics to rectify truck parking problems in North America.

    Altitude’s dynamic potential highlighted at the Contextualized Freight and Mobility Data Workshop in Atlanta

    The Geotab ITS team offered valuable hands-on training at our Contextualized Freight and Mobility Data event.

    From freight data to streamlined travel: Expansion factors’ role in defining regional transportation trends

    Learn more about expansion factors with Geotab ITS and how they enable organizations to enhance their transportation networks.

    Aerial shot of Memphis, Tennessee, looking across the ramp of the Hernando de Soto Bridge towards the downtown skyline with dramatic storm clouds behind.

    Inside our freight and fleet data ecosystem: Cultivating evolved partnerships at Connect 2024

    Viewpoints on how transportation analytics can help proliferate highly sustainable cities, regions, and states across North America.