Aerial photograph of trucks and cars driving along a highway

How we help platform partners

Your platform, plus

Tap into our rich people and goods movement insights to supercharge your platform.

Become a partner

Abstract image showing blue, white and yellow lights

Focus on what matters

There’s no shortage of transportation data. But there is a shortage of high-quality transportation data.

If we’re going to make critical decisions that solve cities’ transportation-based challenges, we need deep, context-rich insights.

And by diving into contextualized connected-vehicle data, we can make decisions that profoundly improve municipal mobility.

Full-frame photograph of white lines on a road

A better way

We’ve aggregated contextualized connected-vehicle data – rather than traditionally sourced vehicle detection data – to expose the whole picture rather than a piece of the puzzle.

With billions of data points across millions of vehicles, we can plug the transportation-shaped holes in your platform.

Now you can unlock actionable transportation insights and easily incorporate them into your own offering for even more accurate decision making.

And accessing our data couldn’t be easier. We offer a suite of configurable and user-friendly APIs.

Photograph taken from above of several busy roads

Become a partner

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